Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Star Dancers – Spider and Jeanne Robinson

Baen, Copyrights 1977, 1978, 1979 & 1991
ISBN 0-671-87802-6
Read August 2013, age 35
Re-read, but not since High School

This was an omnibus printing of two previously published books:

Book 1: Stardance

Other than the main character (who was too bipolar for me to dig), the love interest (who was too perfect to believe), and just generally not buying into the transcendental power of dance, it was all right.  There was an odd plot structure with lots of major highs and lows.  Some major “science bent to fit the narrative” errors.  Nice writing style.  Typical Robinson – lots of marijuana and telepathy.

Rating: 3

Book 2: Starseed

A more conventional plot structure and much more sympathetic main character than the first book.  Interesting discussions of zero-g living, zen, and groupminds.  A bit too utopic for my tastes.

Rating: 4

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