Thursday, July 9, 2015

Manxome Foe - John Ringo & Travis S. Taylor

Baen, 2008, 463 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4165-9162-8
Read: January 2015, age 36

Book 3 of Looking Glass

In which the only US space ship gets put through its paces.

From the back cover:

In the midst of recovering from their successful if casualty-prone first mission, the crew of teh Alliance Space Ship
Vorpal Blade are suddenly scrambled back into action.  All other priorities take second place as word arrives on Earth of a gate colony which has fallen to an unidentified alien assault.  As the only space ship available to the Human-Adar Alliance, the Vorpal Blade's new mission is to find out what happened to the colony, rescue any survivors, and learn the identity of the attackers - without breaking the ship.

The odd-ball crew of the Vorpal Blade is an unlikely savior, but none dare say they quail at engaging the Manxome Foe.

Reactions after the break.  There are probably spoilers.

This book was a lot of fun.  The "Oh, John Ringo" moments were kept to a minimum (although the ending had enough to last me for a while..) and the action was fast, furious, and well done.  I do quite enjoy a lot of what Ringo writes, but there are definitely problems.  He does action really well, though. There was lots of that in this book, and I ended up reading it pretty much straight.

Rating: 4

The settings were a lot of fun - at least an attempt was made toward how things might actually be in free-fall, and alternate planets, and stuff like that.  It read really well.

Lets go save some scientists!  And find out that our good friends, the Zerg, er. Dreen. are behind the emergency.  Then save some friendlies from the Dreen. The time out in space worked really well.  I didn't like the fallout back at home quite as much.  Just too Mary-Sue-ish for me.

Pretty much the same cast of characters from the previous book - still adequate, and still not a strength of the book.

A nice quick read.  Lots of fun.

Other Opinions:
Somewhat more negative than my read.

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