Friday, September 18, 2020

Le Supernaturaliste - Eoin Colfer

Gallimard Jeunesse, 2004, 316 pages
Translated by Julien Ramel
ISBN: 2-07-050055-1
Read: March-May 2020

I found this an indifferent translation of a book that wasn't really very good.  I never cared about the characters, so the twists and turns and betrayals and successes were hollow.  I got the feeling that there was some clever wordplay in the English version that was totally missing from the French.  It was probably better in the original language.

This read still felt successful, in that I can still read in French, and I don't translate in my head much, and I can visualize what's going on.  So, yay me?

Rating: 2

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