Friday, July 26, 2013

One-Line Book Reviews

There has been a dearth of posts lately - and I've fallen so far behind in publishing my reviews that it was making me not want to read a book, because then I'd have to review it. Usually, it was that I hadn't yet reviewed the previous one, and I didn't want to forget what I was thinking about.  That's completely counter-productive to what I was trying to do.  

With this site, I had three goals (in decreasing order of importance):
  1. Make a record of what and when I was reading, and what I thought about it.
  2. Spark some discussion regarding the books that I'd read.
  3. Steer people toward good books, and away from poor ones.  Or at least toward poor ones with their eyes open.
A couple thoughts on those goals. # 1 is working pretty well, in the only opinion that matters in this regard.  # 2 is working less so.  I was hoping for perhaps some direct discussion; that hasn't happened at all, but what I am getting is a reason to surf around and compare my experience to those of some other people around the webs.  It's sufficient. # 3 - well...  My primary source of page hits are spam websites so... probably not so much.  It may come.  If it doesn't, well... #'s 1 and 2 are still valid.  This type of site certainly lends itself more toward people searching for one particular review.  As my catalog increases, so should people surfing toward the page, and then perhaps taking a poke around.

Anyway, to keep up with at least goal #1, I've started writing reviews that are as brief as possible - one line or so on my word processor.  We'll see how they turn out around here.  I'm doing them for books that I just don't have too much to say about, or life is getting in the way of deep thoughts and so forth.  It lets me read more.  It also doesn't do too much for goals # 2 and # 3, but I don't think that's too big a deal.

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