Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Silver Spike - Glen Cook

Tor, 1989, 313 pages
ISBN 0-801-50220-5
Read: May 2014

Book, um, well... I'm going to call it #3B of The Black Company.  It's a stand-alone, parallel to book 4.

I get the feeling that I read this out of order.  It was all right, but felt spurious - tying up ends that I didn't really care that much about.  A divergence from the main story that wasn't necessary.

Rating: 3

Edit - after having read the whole series, there's no particular place where this book would be necessary.  There may have been a structural flaw with the books here - instead of breaking the storylines apart into separate books, it might have been better to keep the stories combined into single, larger tomes.

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