Tuesday, March 24, 2015

To Sail Beyond the Sunset – Robert A. Heinlein

Ace, Copyright 1987, 425 pages
ISBN: 0-441-74860-0
Read: April 2014

The story of Lazarus Long’s mother, and the last book that Heinlein published.  I get the feeling that she’s his ideal woman.  Pretty much all of his hot buttons are present in the book, and are slap-in-the-face obvious:  Redheads are hot.  Free love is good.  Alternative/open marriages are where it's at.  Nudity as much as possible, please.  Self reliance all the time.  Fight in any/all available wars.  Etc., etc.  I’d never noticed his (characters’) espousing of incest before, though.  That was a new one.  A fascinating view of the changes in tech and society from the late 1800s through the mid-late 1900s by someone who lived it and paid attention.  Wonderful voice and writing.  It’s too bad there wasn’t a story.

Rating: 2

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