Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Obsidian Butterfly - Laurell K. Hamilton

Jove, Copyright 2002, 585 pages
Original copyright 2000
ISBN: 0-515-13450-3
Read: August 2016

Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter #9

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It got Anita back to her 'roots' - necromancy, detective-ing, and shooting things.  It also got her away from her men, which was a nice change.  There was plenty of horror in the setting, and some interesting character development. 

 Sigh.  I've got the next 8 on my bookshelf, and reading some reviews on them, I understand that it's the last even decent book for a while in this series.  It's hard to get excited about reading any more of them.

Rating: 4

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