Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wicked Bronze Ambition - Glen Cook

Roc, 2013, 485 pages
ISBN: 978-0-451-46523-8
Read August 2018, age 40

Garrett, P. I., book 14 of 14

This might be the last Garrett, P. I. book - it came out 5 years ago, and there's no sign of another. It also might not be - there are still stories in this world.

If it's the end, this was one of the more enjoyable series I've read in a while.  Actually, I don't think it needs the 'in a while' qualification - it's one of the best series I've read.  There's room for more, and if more comes, I'll read it.  If not, this is a pretty satisfying place to stop.

This particular book was again a nice little mystery with really high stakes, and Garrett at the bottom of his game.  Nobody got to feel clever, which was an interesting change.  It was a bit more slow-moving than some, but a good story.

Rating: 4

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