Friday, May 24, 2019

The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan

Tor, 1990, 782 pages plus extras
ISBN: 0-812-51181-6
Read June, 2018, age 40

Book 1 of The Wheel of Time

Well, here goes.  This makes about the fourth time I've read this book, but not since high school.  It used to be that every time a new book came out, I'd start back from the beginning and go again.  I got frustrated with the lack of series continuation, and then the author died, but now I understand that the series finishes strongly.

I kept collecting the books, but then I got intimidated by the time commitment.  But, well,  I guess if I'm going to go for it, now's as good a time as any.  So I'm going to start, and see how it goes.  This series has been a part of my life, staring at me from my bookshelf, for better than two decades.  It's time to finally read it.

This one was really good, and reminded me why I kept on with this series all these years.  There were more limitations in it than I noticed in high school, and I'm finding it much more frustrating that men and women seem to be incapable of communicating with or respecting the other gender.  In high school, I didn't notice it much. Yay growth?

Rating: 4

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