Friday, July 5, 2019

Little Brother - Corey Doctorow (Audiobook)

Listening Library, 2008, 11.9 hours
Read by: Kirby Heyborne
Listened to: December 2018, age 40

So, I'm not exactly the audience for this book ("Trust no one over twenty-five!"), and I only moderately enjoyed it.  I prefer my antagonists a bit less hissable, my arguments less black and... well, black.  The message was delivered pretty heavy-handedly, and the book read more as an illustrated example of the problems with the direction that tech, privacy, and information analysis is headed.  I tend to agree with the message, but some nuance would be nice.  Some idea that, just perhaps, the people using analytics to try to solve a problem aren't pure evil, but just trying to do a job.  Interesting book, but not that fun.

Rating: 3

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