Friday, March 20, 2020

I Am Gamer - Gabriel L. Rathweg (Audiobook)

Audible, 2019, 8.3 hours
Read by Gabriel L. Rathweg
Listened to: December 2019, age 41

Some interesting ideas in this one - Native American setting, and a 4X game, rather than the more typical RPG - but completely misses the execution.  There's just so much so wrong in the book.  The book seems to try to be fairly realistic throughout, but then has a few guys go out into the bush, find some seasoned bowstaves, and whittle composite bows sitting around the fire one evening.  He has some elk drawn and quartered in preparation for smoking.  So quartering is a word used  in butchering, and drawn and quartered go together, drawn and quartered is a torturous execution method, and you debone and slice into strips before smoking.  And our modern-day dude teaches a Native tribe how to smoke meat.  He builds himself a forge using Youtube videos one afternoon, and then the next day smelts a bit of ore and builds like, 40 axes.  So many things so wrong, and by orders of magnitude.

So, interesting ideas, but poorly researched and poorly executed.

Rating: 2-

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