Friday, June 14, 2024

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness

Penguin, 2011, 579 pages
ISBN: 978-0-14-311968-5
Read: October 2023, age 45
Book 1 of the All Souls Trilogy 

I hated the beginning - way too much infodumping when I didn't have any reason to care about the character yet.  I also hated the love story - it basically came down to 'He's a vampire!!!' on her part and 'we're fated to be together' from both of them.  There was just barely enough other story to keep me going through the book (I actually set it aside and started another, but then came back), and then it didn't really end - more of a 'part one is over' ending that didn't resolve much at all.
The story did get better toward the end, and I might even pick up the sequels eventually -  I think most of the setup pain is over, and we'll just get plot and maybe character development in the next two books.

Rating: 2+

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